It could be speculated this may be a younger Guardian, as it hasn't lost its sight with age and is tougher than its elder variant. Additionally, hitscan projectile hits on him only seem to register during and immediately after one of his attacks. However, he has significantly more health than the regular version, being able to withstand about 30 rockets or 3 or 4 fully charged shots from the BFG 9000 before falling (which would make his health on par with that of the Cyberdemon and Maledict, the final bosses of the game's other campaigns). He can be harmed by regular weapons fire, and does not need to be hit in a weakspot.
Instead he lobs a series of mortar-like energy balls from his back. This Guardian uses similar attacks as the regular version, but is not blind and so doesn't need Seekers. It appears as the final enemy guarding the captured teleportation unit located deep inside Hell. The BFG is therefore actually more useful against the Seekers than against the Guardian itself.Īfter killing the beast, the Soul Cube is released.Ī somewhat modified version of the Guardian appears as the final boss of The Lost Mission mini-expansion campaign included with the BFG Edition. For those seeking a quick end, a single, well-placed shot from the BFG can destroy all of the Seekers at once, rendering the Guardian vulnerable much quicker. It is also possible (although difficult) to kill the monster using 2 charged BFG shots. This should kill the beast in 4 rounds (3 if you aim well).
Kill the seekers with the plasma gun or the rocket launcher, and when the glowing energy orb appears, unload your chaingun or rockets into it. The Guardian is relatively easy to kill if you can manage to avoid the fireballs. As you fight the Guardian, the Soul Cube will inform you of this weakness. Shooting this orb is the only way to kill the Guardian. Killing the three Seekers forces the Guardian to generate more, revealing its vulnerable spot: a glowing orb of energy in an opening of the Guardian's back. It will also pound the ground repeatedly during this process, sending waves of fireballs around it to stop the player from getting too close. However, this weakness will only show itself for 5 seconds. This blue sphere reveals a glowing energy orb in the Guardian's back this orb is the beast's only weakness. When all the Seekers are dead, the Guardian stops and forms a blue sphere above its head, which generates more Seekers. The only way to harm and kill this goliath is to take out its Seekers. The Guardian's tough hide renders it invulnerable to all forms of weapons fire. It will also charge at the player and attack with it's horns if close by. The Guardian's primary attacks consist of punching with its large fists and pounding on the ground, emitting fireballs that burst from the Guardian in all eight directions. Only three can be active at a time, but when one of the seekers spots you, it directs the Guardian to charge at your location, giving out a loud chirping noise. They float in the air above and ahead of the Guardian, serving as mobile searchlights. In order to 'see,' It summons smaller creatures called Seekers, as spotters. The Guardian of Hell is blind due to its age what remains of its eyes are shallow pits. And finally, here is a Half Life 2 Fan Remake, an Oblivion fan remake, a Silent Hill fan remake, a World of Warcraft remake, a Skyrim remake, a Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Remake, and a Zelda Ocarina of Time UE5 Remake."Destroy the Seekers, and the Guardian becomes vulnerable." ― The Soul Cube Additionally, you can find a Portal Remake and an NFS3 Remake. Moreover, these videos show Star Wars KOTOR and Counter-Strike Global Offensive in UE5.
Right now, you can download a Superman Unreal Engine 5 Demo and a Spider-Man Unreal Engine 5 Tech Demo. Speaking of Unreal Engine 5, we also suggest taking a look at the following videos.
As such, you won’t be able to play it on your PC systems. Unfortunately, the artist does not plan to release this demo/remake to the public. This is by far one of the best remakes we’ve shared as the video packs proper gameplay footage. Montagud has implemented some basic gameplay mechanics, and he even included a cutscene with the Pinky. The end result is spectacular, and we highly recommend watching the video.

Additionally, the artist used the music and sound effects from the original version of Doom 3.

Montagud has created the 3D models, textures, animations, lighting and blueprint that he used in this fan remake. Artist François Montagud has shared some screenshots and a video from a remake of id Software’s Doom 3 in Unreal Engine 5.